Mia’s Children — God’s Little Army in Bucharest

I spoke to Mia last night and much is going on around the mission.

Oana (Costi’s wife) was in a car accident and spent a few days in the hospital. Please pray for her as she recovers at home. Mia assured me that while there were several injuries, she is expected to have a full recovery.

Mario Robert, Mia’s grandson, is still having problems with breathing. He has been in the hospital several times this past year and the doctors are concerned about his immune system. Mia asks that we pray for him as well.

There are two boxes of items Mia received when they were here this past summer that she was unable to take with her. It will cost several hundred dollars to send them to her and so I am asking that if you would like to earmark a contribution to help me send this shipment, please do so. As you know, unless requested for us to do otherwise, 100% of the money received goes to the mission. No dollars are used for administrative purposes unless you earmark it as such. Thanks for any help you can give.

On a lighter and brighter note — Costel took a bunch of the kids to the orphanage near their summer camp site and shared the Christmas story and handmade gifts from the children. They are scheduled to visit hospitals and orphanages around Bucharest this week. Finally, they will be going out on the streets around Bucharest where the homeless children hang out. Their desire is to sing carols, read scripture and share the story of Christmas and the Good News of Jesus. What a testimony this is to their faith and their willingness to share what they have found in God.

Just a reminder that year end financial gifts are always appreciated as it is expensive to keep up with the Euro. During the next year, it is our desire to expand the circles of supporters. If you would be willing to invite your friends and family to a small get-together at your home, Patsy and I will make ourselves available to come and share what Mia’s Children is all about. You will be receiving a final newsletter in the mail this week and you will see what a wonderfully productive year we have had.

Thank you for all you do to support Mia, Costel and the kids!


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