Daily Archives: March 9, 2009

February News

God has blessed us again this month with His grace, peace, love, but also with many trials. In everything we bring Him glory.

February went very fast. The children were extremely busy with their everyday school work for the second semester. They all have good results, but we have a lot of work to do with Maria and Dan. Because you don’t know their story, let‘s turn a life page and
tell you about them.

They are coming from a family with 4 children. Right now,the parents do not have a job. In fact, the father was only an occasional worker all his life because he has no education; the mother worked for a time as seller in a market, but lost her job like many other people. The kids are related with the Ilie family, and they were part from Mia’s Children from a long time ago. But as the family could not support them anymore, the mother begged us to take them in, especially as the parents were about to divorce.

The worst part was that the children were about to abandon the school, as their older sister did. Their educational level was extremely below expectations, then Maria failed three subjects after the first semester and poor Dan hardly can write and read. Maria is in the six grade and Dan in the third grade. We were so amazed to discover that they lacked basic knowledge. In spite of this, they came to us with a great desire to be accepted feeling that the mission is their only hope. They had abandoned school and had no hope of returning.

In spite of momentary difficulties, we could not let these two souls to be lost. So, we took them in. We fought very hard for and with them and eventually they are beginning to adjust and show a real desire for learning. Their teachers from the new school were skeptical initially, but are now beginning to appreciate their potential. We are working very hard with them and child support group is helping, so that they can succeed in this school year.

Little Maria confessed to our psychologist, Maria D., that she had to learn by candle light in the least stimulating setting and now she has received her first A in Romanian Language and Literature after she worked with Mia. She was so happy that she cried. This is the story of our new children.

The Child Protection Agency would like to place several more children with us including another sibling of Maria and Dan, but this is beyond our means at the moment.

This reflects the worsening situation in the country as well as the need that the work that we do be sustained by your help in every and each way, like a great team as we are in helping children to find The Truth, the life, the Love, the heavenly Peace.

Our hopes for a stable home are growing everyday. A lady promised she will give us a piece of land not far from here, and we pray and hope that with God’s grace and your collective help we will be building a wonderful, godly permanent home for our children! Praise the Lord!

Carol came here with her pastor and we had a special time to worship the Lord.

We want to ask you to pray for :
-Everyday bread, milk, medicine, bills–as the costs are so high that we hardly can cover them;
-Our health and our childrens’security in health, school, needs;
-The wellbeing of our sponsors, supporters, friends, co –prayers;
-For the dream of the house to become real and God to bless all those involved;
-For all the kids who need special care and attention to receive it;
– For the world crisis to end and for a new revival to cover the world and to bring everybody to a spiritual level and to such a prosperity to resolve all conflicts and misunderstandings.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Mia’s Children