
Italian-Romanian Cuisine at Mia’s Children

A few weeks ago Giorgio, an Italian friend of the organization, stopped by Mia’s Children for an authentic Italian dinner. He brought pasta, tomatoes, cheese, meat, and other ingredients along with him.

The children who could be there enjoyed learning how to cook from him and especially liked practicing their Italian and English speaking. Some of the kids could translate what he taught them, but even with translation, Mia reports a dinner of half Italian and half Romanian food!

After the cooking, the group got a chance to pray together, and then have dinner.

Thanks, Giorgio, for the food and good time!

Pray for Romania’s Public Employees

Romanian currency: a banknote for 10 (zece) lei

On Monday, hundreds of thousands of Romanian state employees participated in a massive strike to protest wage and pension cuts.

Over 700,000 medical staff, teachers, emergency responders, and prison workers joined for a one day strike. Many of the workers joined to show solidarity with school and public institution employees, who plan to strike indefinitely.

But despite overwhelming dissatisfaction with the cuts, Romania’s plan to implement a 25% wage cut and 15% pension cut to all state employees still became effective as of yesterday.

Let’s pray for these teachers in particular as they continue to strike. They are the men and women running the schools in which the children we support spend every day. We need them to be examples of love, dignity, and courage for the youth of a broken nation.

And let’s pray for Mia’s Children as they educate and nurture young people in Romania, even when no one else can or will.

Calling All Churches!

Does your church host a missions fair each year?

How about a missions committee?

Or maybe a prayer team?

At Mia’s Children, we are always looking for new ways to tell people about all of the wonderful things God is doing in Romania.

No matter where you’re located, we’d love to give your church more information. We’d be glad to send a representative to speak to churches, committees, or at missions fairs about Mia’s Children and the desperate needs of young people in Romania.

Even if your event is a long time from now, we want to hear about it and plan ahead!

So contact us at or on Facebook, and let’s plan a visit together!