“He’s Unlimited!”
Petre (Peter) about 10 years ago
Petre (Peter) now, on his way to study cooking in Germany
Mia sends along this update:
Peter is in Germany and he sends you all his love. He works hard to find new things for his work, cooking.
The kids are great. They study hard, work hard. Some of the kids have coldness, but it’s normal for this period of time. Mario went to the hospital again, but right now he’s out of danger, praise the Lord!
The new building it’s finished outside and mostly inside. The owner ordered also bunk-beds for 32 children, wardrobe for all the kids. We’ll have to purches many items basic necessary for the new place. God is so, so good! He’s unlimited!
We should also pray for Mia’s health. She is in physical therapy for her spine and is seeking out some medical opinions on how to proceed.
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